1. Maj 2021
Dragi prijatelji,
Delo, kot največja vrednota človeštva skozi celotno zgodovino, na začetku 21. stoletja neupravičeno izgublja svoj pomen in mesto na vrhu naših pravic. Pa vendar, tudi v teh negotovih časih mora predstavljati osnovo sodobni civilizaciji. Zatorej, tovarišice in tovariši, dragi prijatelji, kolegice in kolegi, naj živi 1. maj, praznik delavcev in dela!
Zoran Poznič, Predsednik ZDSLU
Dear friends,
Work, as the greatest value of humanity throughout history, is unjustifiably losing its importance and place at the top of our rights at the beginning of the 21st century. However, even in these uncertain times, it must represent the basis of modern civilization. Therefore, dear friends, colleagues, long live May 1st, the holiday of workers and labour!
Zoran Poznič, President of ZDSLU